Tuesday, December 31, 2013

More Pictures From the Holiday!

Remember I told you that the Renaissance (downtown D.C.) has nice décor? Here are a few pictures I snapped of the lounge area in the lobby. I spent much time there since that was the only place where I could get free wifi. After our visit to D.C. we flew to Atlanta to spend time with our family (and to retrieve our kids..) Perfect ending to a great holiday trip.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Military Bowl 2013 - Christmas in Washington, D.C.

So, my husband and I spent Christmas in Washington, D.C. this year. It wasn't exactly a romantic getaway, it was a work trip. Our team played in a bowl game (Military Bowl) in Annapolis, Maryland (the Friday after Christmas). The boys stayed behind with their grandparents (I had a lot of mommy guilt at first but I got over it fast and the boys had the best Christmas without us, ha!).  I must say, Christmas in D.C. was awesome. I made visits to the Newseum, Chinatown, The Smithsonian, The Monuments, and got a little glimpse of The White House. My absolute favorite place was Georgetown. I know, I know, there is so much more to D.C. than shopping but there is just something about all the cute shops amongst the hustle and bustle! I originally visited Georgetown to get a cupcake from the famous Georgetown Cupcakes but as you can see in the picture the line was out the door and up the street so I settled for Pinkberry (and I didn't get fruit toppings either...yep those are m & m's). So it was pretty much a win win situation. :) Overall, I had a blast. Oh, the hotel was also really nice. We stayed at the Renaissance (downtown D.C.). The lobby décor was amazing and it didn't hurt that they had a Starbucks! The bathroom in our hotel room displayed history on the wall so every time we showered we got a quick history lesson. And to top it off, we won the Military bowl (whoop whoop).  Overall, I had a blast! Much needed me time and a great opportunity to roam around an amazing city. I will definitely make a point to visit our nation's capital again in the near future.
How was your holiday?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, not as the world give do I give. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27

One of the many challenges that I face is overcoming fear. I sometimes struggle with the thoughts that things aren’t going to work out in my favor or that something bad is going to happen. I usually do a decent job of pushing those negative thoughts to the back of my mind and leaving them there but today I'm challenging myself to get rid of them all together. How can I be a woman of faith and believe that God is for me when I allow fear to have any control in my life? I am a person who believes in not straddling the fence but I constantly find myself doing it, Crazy right?
I constantly have to tell myself, “Either you believe or you don’t believe. Either you have faith or you don’t have faith.”
 So, today I decided to take my own advice and stop straddling the fence of faith because faith cannot operate where fear is present. The bible says, “Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” So if I believe in the word of God and want to live by the word of God, then I have to trust the word of God. As I go through the day I will declare peace over my mind, over my heart, and over my life. God has given us his peace. Not the peace that the world gives because that kind of peace is false and superficial. Some people define peace as having lots of money in the bank or having things in which they feel will keep them ahead. Well, that kind of peace can be taken from you at any moment. The peace that God gives is supernatural, extraordinary, calming, unexplainable and undeniable. A peace that comes to you in the midst of your trials, and most importantly a peace that no one can take because it’s a gift from our heavenly father. So when we feel like fear is creeping up in our mind and in our spirit, we should ask the Holy Spirit to give us heavenly peace that no one or anything can shake!

Father, today I thank you for reminding me of the gift you left me – peace of mind and heart. Lord, when I am tempted to fear remind me that those things are not of you. I trust in your word and I cast away all troubled thoughts. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Jessica B.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hello All. Welcome to my first blog post! I couldn't be more excited about sharing my world with you.I really want this to be a place where I can share my honest thoughts on being a wife, mommy, recipes, and all my little obsessions (basically my life).  I really hope you enjoy and please chime in!

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