Friday, February 28, 2014

Hotel Living, Part 1

What do you do when you're stuck living in a hotel for a month? Play board games, duh!!!!
Hope you guys enjoy your weekend. We're going to attempt to get out and explore the Wisconsin campus. Let's hope our toes don't freeze off. It is definitely cold in Madison. I guess we better bundle up!
The boys playing Operation

Tyson in daddy's pants

Orlando wearing daddy's gear

There was lots of noise that came with this face.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Our quick trip to Chicago

Me and my boys

Orlando and Tyson in the hotel lobby

On our drive from West Virginia to Wisconsin the boys and I made a short stop in Chicago. I've been trying to get to Chicago for some time now, so I was really excited to finally get a chance to visit. Although it was a quick visit, I really tried to make the best of it. I was a little apprehensive about exploring the city because once I got off the expressway, driving to the hotel was a bit stressful. I'm from a big city (Atlanta) but Chicago was different...really different. More people walking, more traffic, and more cars. It was a real city!! I felt like cars and people were coming at me from every direction! A nice gentleman even relaxed his hands on his horn to let me know that I was driving too slow !! I thought that was so kind of him (not). It really freaked me out. Luckily, the hotel was close and the valet was nice enough to take my car off my hands for the night(for $60/night...I thought that was ridiculous but I was so frazzled I didn't even care). We stayed at the Wyndham Grand Chicago Riverfront. It was really nice and I would stay there again. When we finally settled in, I decided that the boys and I would lock ourselves in our hotel room to stay away from the "crazy horn people." After calming down and realizing that I only had one day in Chicago I decided to go out and explore with the boys. We grabbed a cab and headed to The Children's Museum of Chicago, and I'm so glad we did. Chicago truly is a beautiful city! The Museum was located at the Navy Pier which was a nice experience. I can only imagine how beautiful the Navy Pier is during the spring/summer months.The boys love going to Museums and they thoroughly enjoyed the one in Chicago. Of course the visit wasn't complete until they scored something from the gift shop (they negotiate well). After leaving the museum we took a stroll down Michigan Avenue and let me tell you, that's a shopper's dream! After drooling over retail we made our way back to our hotel and enjoyed room service while watching cartoons.  The boys had to wear the same shirts two day in a row, but that's a story for another day.
The next morning we headed out but not before grabbing breakfast at the hotel's restaurant downstairs per Orlando's request. I was thinking about picking up breakfast on the road but Orlando wanted to go all out before leaving the "Windy City!"

Since Madison is only 2 1/2 hours from Chicago I'm hoping we can visit again during the summer. I'm sure my little travel buddies wouldn't mind and maybe daddy can make a cameo appearance. He has a lot on his plate these days...a good problem to have.  I'm extremely grateful that he works so hard to provide all these opportunities for the boys and I. I'm so Thankful.

Their first cab ride

Tyson trying to be cool, Orlando always doing the right thing! Lol
My little builders
Orlando walking through the obstacle course

Water table. They loved this. They also had this one at the Chattanooga Museum

Quick photo. Can you tell that we were tired but trying to pretend not to be?

Navy Pier (frozen)
What would a visit to the Museum be without a photo with T-REX!

View from our hotel room. Beautiful.
Room service - Calamari
Hotel room view

Room Service (for the boys)

Room Service (crab stuffed Salmon w/risotto)


Breakfast with the boys at hotel restaurant

Boys eating good!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wisconsin, Our New Home

Another year, another move. Last year around this time we moved to Georgia. A month later to West Virginia and the year before that we were in Tennessee. It's been quite an adventure thus far but I'm extremely excited for the adventure ahead. This year we will call Madison, Wisconsin home (and hopefully for years to come). This will be the furthest I've ever been away from my family and friends. I have mixed feeling, as with every move. This life comes with a lot of uncertainty, excitement, fun, pressure, and anxiety....throw two kids into the mix and you have yourself a party!! Although we are over the moon excited we also know the stress, long hours and hard work that comes with moving and entering a job like this. All we can do is remember that if God brought us to it, he will bring us through! I have to remind myself of that daily.Getting the job was the most exciting part so far. Now the work begins! Even though I'm not reporting for a job, my job is to keep it all together. Make sure the house is packed up, remember to keep all the bills at the last house paid, travel to new location with kids, find a new house, find a new school for the kids, arrange for movers at old location, make sure utilities are turned on at new location and turned off at old location, remember to pay everyone and make sure funds are available (balance the checkbook), keep the kids entertained and quiet while staying at an extended stay hotel (mommy guilt really sets in here), be my husband's biggest supporter, remain positive and transfer all the mail to new address. All this plus my regular mommy and wifely duties (and I'm sure I'm still forgetting something). 

A few boxes...
Not that I'm complaining, but this is a job all in itself. This year, I'm learning to enjoy the process, chaos and all! So for the next couple of weeks I will be posting pictures and writing about our journey to the mid-west.  I can truly say that I am blessed and wouldn't ask for anything different. Please keep us in your prayers and wish me luck with my never-ending to-do list! Oh, and let's not forget what all of this chaos is for.... FOOTBALL. Yep, gotta love it!!  Can't wait to get some new gear. The boys are already asking for a Wisconsin helmet and jersey (no surprise there).

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Woman as "helper"

I want to start off by saying  that I love my friends. One of my close friends sent this to me the other night via text. It isn't unusual for my friends to text me words of encouragement or scriptures that they have been meditating on. I am so grateful for friendships that strengthen and not tear down or judge. This devotion was a great reminder for me. Sometimes as a wife I wonder if I was put here on earth just to help my spouse. Its sounds crazy but I swear I would struggle with that from time to time. I found myself on his agenda all the time and felt like his personal assistant. It has become a joke around our house. Not that I minded too much (well I did mind a lot) but I always wondered,"why did God specifically send woman to be a "helper" to man.  I was really offended when I thought of myself as just a "helper" to my husband. Who did God send to help woman? I felt like being labeled as "man's helper" was a huge responsibility and kind of a burden. Over time I realized that I was putting too much focus on that and not enough focus on the big picture, The Kingdom of God. I've always been a wife constantly in prayer over my husband but not until I changed my mind about what being a wife or "helper " in The Kingdom of God really meant only then was I able to really be thankful for the blessed privilege it is to be a woman of God.  It signifies so much more than I ever imagined and I'm so thankful that God chose to use me in such an important role.
                    I hope this devotion speaks to your heart like it did to mine.

jessica ann

The Lord God said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him (Genesis 2:18, NIV).

And yet, when God created Adam and placed him in the Garden, only to determine that "It is not good for man to be alone", He did not create a dog to be his loyal companion. God created a woman to fill the void in his life. She was called a "helper". The Hebrew word that is translated " helper" is "ezer". And while you may have one definition in mind when you read the word "helper", "ezer" is packed with so much more. Ezer appears twenty-one times in the Old Testament. Twice in Genesis it describes the woman (Genesis 2:18, 20) but the majority of references (sixteen to be exact) refers to God, or Yahweh, as the helper of his people. The remaining three references appear in the books of the prophets, who use it to refer to military aid. So being an ezer is quite an honor. It is a word denoting great strength. We would be very remiss if we looked at the word ezer  as a helper only in domestic terms. Adam didn't need someone to cook for him, clean up after him, or care for him. That was not the problem. The void in Adam's life was that he did not have a companion to work with him, love with him, procreate with him, and after the fall- struggle with him. A dog might have been an easier adjustment for Adam, but God decided that Adam needed someone with WORDS! As a ezer or a strong helper, how will we use our words? Will we use them to fortify or flatten, defend or defeat, complete or compete? The choice begins in our minds, runs through our hearts, and responds with our lips. And one of the best ways we can use our words is in prayer. WE ARE EZER!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rosemary and Garlic Roasted Pork Tenderloin

I didn't do much cooking last week, so I thought I owed it to my family to cook something good and filling. This pork tenderloin was just the right choice. I'm more of a saucy person so I was a bit concerned about this recipe since it didn't have a glaze or sauce for it. Overall, it was really juicy and flavorful. I paired it with some broccolini (which is becoming one of my favorite sides). The family was pleased.:)  Click on the link below for the recipe. Let me know what you think.

Click here for recipe

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Renovation Wednesday!!

   Happy Wednesday Guys! Today I wanted to share some cool renovations that I ran across. Architectural Digest is conducting a contest for best home office renovation. Readers have until April 2nd to vote and because I love décor and beautiful spaces I wanted to share two spaces that I thought were great renovations. If you've recently renovated a space or plan to in the near future look into submitting your renovation photos for their next contest! I may have to share my little office renovation next time. :)

Click here to view all the renovations!




Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Note to Moms (and expecting mom)!

Moms know the difficulty that comes with the balancing act of life. Whether it's balancing home and kids or home and work (and marriage), we tend to have a problem trying to keep it all together. Although my youngest is now four, I can still remember the anxiety and fear I felt trying to plan out my career in my head while I was pregnant. So today I decided to write a little note to all my moms out there, especially expecting moms. When I became pregnant with my first child, my mind was filled with worry about what would become of my career or lack thereof. While my husband was on a steady path in his career, my career seemed to be coming to an end before it even began. Whenever asked about my plans after baby, I would become frustrated. In my mind, I wanted to get right back to work so I could begin my soon to be "successful career", but I knew that I would want to spend time with my new baby. My constant worrying caused me to forget about the precious gift that I was carrying on the inside of me. Instead of putting myself completely into God’s hands, I was trying to solve a problem that didn’t even exist. I was letting my ego and fear get the best of me. As women we tend to think ahead....way ahead. But sometimes we can overthink things. My overthinking turned into worry which turned into anxiety and I became extremely miserable. During this time I was reminded of Luke 12:24, "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom or barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!"  Surely, if He cares about the birds and the lilies he cares about you and your concerns!!! Instead of worrying about a problem that doesn't even exist, focus on today. Focus on having a healthy happy pregnancy. Remind yourself that God knows your concerns and has gone before you. Focus on what the Lord has placed in your life at this very moment. Embrace the promises of God and trust that he has your best interest at heart. Looking back, I wish I spent less time worrying and more time enjoying my pregnancy. Worrying sure didn't get me anywhere (it did get me high blood pressure during my first pregnancy..yikes!!!) and it won't get you anywhere either. Your concern may not be about your career but whatever it is, it's not worth worrying about.Make God the focus of your life so that you can be the best mom to your little one. Everything else will work itself out in due time. So make a note to self: Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Philippians 4:6
jessica ann

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Recap {birthday party fun}

Overall, we had a fairly relaxing weekend. The boys had their last basketball game on Saturday followed by a birthday party. Since recruiting has died down a bit, Thomas was home to join in on all the fun. I really believe that my kids love birthday parties more than most, especially Orlando. He is always looking forward to someone's birthday, it doesn't matter whose it is, he just wants to be there. Yes, he's a sweet kid and loves to have fun and celebrate but most of all he wants CAKE! We've been to parties where he would just stare at the cake or try to get the kid to rush through their activities just to get to the cake...LOL  My poor child has his dad's sweet tooth!
Tyson on the other hand just wants to party! He wants to dance and laugh....pretty much be the entertainment. As we all know this winter has restricted us to staying indoors so watching the boys get out and have some fun, especially with dad, was really nice!
How was your weekend?

Dad's idea of fun...

Orlando eying Tyson's

Friday, February 7, 2014

Try this 5 day cleanse!

I know when you think of a cleanse "starvation" or "lack of food" probably pops into your mind. Well, this cleanse is not like that.  Dr. Junger's 5 day gut flush cleanse is designed for those of you who struggle with bloated mid-sections. For me, if I'm not drinking enough water or have been consuming too much sugar my mid-section can get out of hand.
I'm on day five of this cleanse and I must say, it's been one of the best cleanses I've tried (and I've tried all kinds of cleanses) and of course Dr. Oz approved!:) The recipes were tasty and different from what's usually on my weekly menu. If I had to choose a favorite recipe it would have to be the Thai Chicken Salad and the Vanilla Almond Shake on day three. I plan on incorporating those two recipes in my weekly diet. Overall, the cleanse did exactly what it claimed it would do, reduce mid-section bloat. Click here to get the entire cleanse

What cleanse have you tried that have been successful?

My Almond Vanilla Shake

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tyson and his red balloon!

During our early morning visit to the grocery store, the nice lady at the flower shop gave Tyson a red balloon. Although I was very much grateful, all I could think about was Tyson dragging this balloon through the store followed by him accidently letting it go and begging for  another one. Well, neither happened. The lady provided a little clip for Tyson to clip onto his jacket and that surprisingly worked. When we got in the car Tyson introduced me to his new friend Ballooney.Yes, he named the balloon. Not only did he name the balloon, but apparently the balloon talks, gets hungry and has feelings too! He told me that Ballooney would like Cheez-its for snack which really meant that Tyson wanted Cheez-its for snack. Ballooney's request didn't sit well with me since Tyson is clearly a Cheez-it addict and is supposedly going through Cheez-it rehab! Ballooney also told me that he needed a nap after lunch and would read a book tomorrow. As much as I would like to tell Ballooney off and inform him that I run this ship, I couldn't help but indulge in this whole imaginary friend obsession. I love Tyson and Orlando's imaginations. It reminds me of when I was a kid and would put on little skits for my grandfather. I too made up little imaginary friends as a kid. It was the best thing ever!
Not only are the boys inviting imaginary friends into our home but by the looks of things they are absolutely sick of this cold winter. I walked into their room the other day and they were laying out on the rug. Orlando with his sunglasses on told me that they were at the beach enjoying the sun! I told them I didn't want to disturb their Zen so I quietly turned around and escorted myself out of their little paradise. Kids and their little imaginations. Maybe us adults could learn a thing or two from them.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just go for it {Break the Shell}!

I love this song by India Arie- Break The Shell. It always inspires thought in me and prompted me to write today's Words of Wisdom post.

Child it's time to break the shell,
life's gonna hurt but it's meant to be felt,
you cannot touch the sky from inside yourself,
you cannot fly until you break the shell.

Early on in life we begin forming defense mechanisms and building walls. As children, we hold on to hurtful comments from parents, being rejected and hurt by friends, being left out, not feeling like you're good enough, smart enough and these thoughts grow into actions. They grow into our reactions to life situations as adults. It affects our parenting style, the way we view friendships, and the way we aim for and view success in life. Personally, I built so many walls to prevent myself from being hurt by people. This greatly affected my friendships. I became such a nonchalant person and it always came off as if I didn't care, which was only partially true. I eventually trained myself to not care at all and that was not a good friendship trait to have. Thankfully, somewhere along the way I realized that I was only hurting myself.
So many of us are so afraid to really live, meaning we are not being our best selves or experiencing life at its best. We are trapped behind walls of fear, anger, and resentment. We're living in the past but suffering in the present.  Not only have we built walls, we have been trained as a society to follow the crowd and do things that look good on the outside but might not feel good or feel right on the inside.  How are you going to have a successful relationship if you are holding on to disappointments from your old relationships? How are you going to really give something your best if you are already doubting yourself before you even start? I completely understand bracing yourself for life disappointments because life isn't all sunshine and roses but why not live as if it is? It doesn't hurt to expect the best!

 To be honest, I have come a mighty long way, but learning to be fearless, to expect the best and to" just go for it" is definitely on my daily to-do list. What do I mean by "go for it"? I mean to really live fearlessly. To not worry about what other have to say. To really go after that dream or goal. To not think about why something won't work but think about all the reasons why it will. To live without talking myself out of what I really want. In order to live a fulfilling life, we have to break out of the shell of insecurities and defense mechanisms and just go for it- Break the shell!!!

jessica ann

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap { fun in the sun}

After weeks of extreme cold weather, the heavens opened up and we received a sunny Saturday with the high reaching 61 degrees!!! It was simply lovely. After the boy's basketball game (Orlando hurt his knee but scored 2 pts. - that's a lot in itty bitty basketball league) Thomas took them with him to work (yes, football coaches work on Saturdays during off-season) and I was able to make my weekly trip to the grocery store alone (woohoo)!! After making my way through a busy grocery store filled with crazed football fans (including myself) preparing to wow their guest with dips and booze I made it home to a quiet kitchen where I was able to put away the groceries without the boys pulling on me for a snack. After a few hours of relief, I swung by to get the boys and we headed to the park. The weather was perfection. The boys  and I enjoyed getting out in the sun and it gave us a sneak peak of what we have to look forward to - SPRING!

Orlando endorsing Neosporin

How was your weekend?
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