Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Note to Moms (and expecting mom)!

Moms know the difficulty that comes with the balancing act of life. Whether it's balancing home and kids or home and work (and marriage), we tend to have a problem trying to keep it all together. Although my youngest is now four, I can still remember the anxiety and fear I felt trying to plan out my career in my head while I was pregnant. So today I decided to write a little note to all my moms out there, especially expecting moms. When I became pregnant with my first child, my mind was filled with worry about what would become of my career or lack thereof. While my husband was on a steady path in his career, my career seemed to be coming to an end before it even began. Whenever asked about my plans after baby, I would become frustrated. In my mind, I wanted to get right back to work so I could begin my soon to be "successful career", but I knew that I would want to spend time with my new baby. My constant worrying caused me to forget about the precious gift that I was carrying on the inside of me. Instead of putting myself completely into God’s hands, I was trying to solve a problem that didn’t even exist. I was letting my ego and fear get the best of me. As women we tend to think ahead....way ahead. But sometimes we can overthink things. My overthinking turned into worry which turned into anxiety and I became extremely miserable. During this time I was reminded of Luke 12:24, "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom or barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!"  Surely, if He cares about the birds and the lilies he cares about you and your concerns!!! Instead of worrying about a problem that doesn't even exist, focus on today. Focus on having a healthy happy pregnancy. Remind yourself that God knows your concerns and has gone before you. Focus on what the Lord has placed in your life at this very moment. Embrace the promises of God and trust that he has your best interest at heart. Looking back, I wish I spent less time worrying and more time enjoying my pregnancy. Worrying sure didn't get me anywhere (it did get me high blood pressure during my first pregnancy..yikes!!!) and it won't get you anywhere either. Your concern may not be about your career but whatever it is, it's not worth worrying about.Make God the focus of your life so that you can be the best mom to your little one. Everything else will work itself out in due time. So make a note to self: Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Philippians 4:6
jessica ann


  1. Excellent advice," lean not on your own understaning, but in all things acknowledge God and he will direct your path." Thanks for reminding me. Dad!


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