Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to School Prayer for our Kiddos!

Back to school can be the most joyous yet worrisome time for parents. Although we are excited to send our children off to learn and make new friends we also worry about their safety and well-being while they're out of our care. As parents, we should continuously lift our children up in prayer as they grow and become more and more independent individuals. Here's a simple prayer to get you started. I hope this helps and I'm praying for a successful school year for your little (and big) ones!
 Feel free to add on to this prayer and don't forget to use your child's name while you pray..lets be specific!:)
Happy School Year!!

Father, as my children (or child) begin another school year I ask that your give your angels charge over them. I pray that all the good things that they have received, learned, heard, and seen follow them and be put into practice while they are out of my care. Incline their ears unto wisdom that they will receive understanding during instruction. Prepare their hearts to be kind to others and help them make wise decisions. I ask - in faith, that you will send them godly influences to surround them throughout this school year. I believe that this academic school year will be filled with joy, encouragement, wisdom and overall mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth for my child. Thank you for covering and guarding my most precious gift.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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