Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Getting Rid of Distractions!

 I swear this is was the story of my life!! Do you ever have idea after idea but nothing ever comes of it? I'm sure part of the reason nothing ever comes of it is because it remains just that, an idea. The other reason is having the will to see it through and cross the finish line. In today's world of endless avenues of entertainment it's easy to get distracted and thrown off your path. It's definitely hard to stay focused on what you're trying to do when you're constantly looking at what everyone else is doing. Does this sound familiar? Well, have no fear because we all have fallen into the "social media coma" of indulging in the life of others and even throw a "nothing ever works in my favor" pity party every now and then - believe me, I was the queen of 3 day pity parties - but that stops TODAY! The truth is, all of these things are just distractions from getting to where God wants us to be. We all have different things we have to overcome and no one person is without struggles but we must be aware and be prepared to acknowledge a distraction when we see one. Like hanging out with your friends when you know you wanted to get started on that project you've been thinking about, or watching that last show when you know you should be preparing to star in your own life instead of watching others live theirs. I could go on and on about how you probably shouldn't eat those donuts or that candy bar when you've been trying to get in shape for the past year (raises hand), or why you shouldn't buy those expensive shoes when you're suppose to be saving for a new computer to help with your new business. At the end of the day, God wants more for us but we have to want it for ourselves as well. When I finally noticed all the distractions that were keeping me from moving forward with what I know God had placed on my heart to do, I got busy and started eliminating them one at a time. Now, does this mean that I am 100% focused, 100% of the time? Absolutely not. But, it does mean  that I can easily identify and separate those things that are distracting me from those things that are growing me in the direction that God has placed on my heart. At the end of the day, it definitely is a process but God is there to help. Daily, I ask the holy spirit to help me accomplish what it is he wants me to do because my desire is to start and complete whatever task he has placed before me. So, having a goal or idea is the easy part. The difficulty comes with getting started and going until you finish. If you're having a hard time head over to Philippians 1:6 or Jeremy 29:11! God wants to complete ever good work in us that he has started and his plan is to prosper us not harm us. So those distractions that are keeping you from getting started (the mind games and self-doubt), cast them over to God and keep it moving! Fill your day with positive thinking and pay close attention to those things that are keeping you from getting ahead. Believe me, they tend to sneak up on you and come disguised in so many different ways.  So, lets all get ahead by asking God to help us stay focused, alert, and mindful of his will for our lives.

Homework if you're up for it - and why wouldn't you be!
Make a list of those things that you know to be distractions or have been distractions for you in the past. This way you can be aware and start asking God to help you with them during your quiet/prayer time. Begin to cross them out one at a time once you've conquered them. I promise, it will feel so good when you see all those crossed out distractions on your paper!!! Hope this helps:)

xo, Jessica Ann

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